Georgios Magklaras
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The Norwegian Meteorological Institute
Steelcyber Scientific

I earn my living as Senior HPC Infrastructure Engineer at the Norwegian Meteorological Institute. I maintain a position as Chief Advisor at Steelcyber Scientific in the area of Cybersecurity and the POFR DFIR engine development.

My alma mater is at the Center for Security Communications and Network Research (CSCAN), University of Plymouth,UK, where I received my BSc (Hons), MPhil and PhD degrees and performed my initial cybersecurity related research activities. My PhD thesis concerned the production of a digital forensics tool (LUARM) and a Domain Specific Language compiler to specify and detect insider misuse attacks. For more information, visit my University of Plymouth research page, as well as the following publications list.

My research interests lie in the areas of Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR), Intrusion Detection Systems, Domain Specific Languages (DSLs), Insider IT misuse and High Performance Computing (HPC).

Detailed CV

Selected Presentations/Invited talks/Courses
  • Singularity on PPI, talk outlining the use of Singularity containers in HPC given at the Science week of the Norwegian Meteorological Institute, 20 September 2022.
Distributed Computing - BOINC Platform
    I have been a Distributed Computing enthusiast, volunteer and developer since 2006, mainly working with the BOINC platform in the fields of process scheduling, as well as data communication performance for life science projects. Distributed Computing projects form the world's largest Supercomputer and advance scientific research. If you often leave your computer idle while you work, consider downloading the BOINC client and joining one of the DC projects. You help science by donating your space CPU time to one of the projects listed under BOINC.
   georgios #at#